This application will be for people who feels lonely or for people who love animals, but could not afford to have it at home or do not have much time to watch them. Person can choose a type of a pet, their breed and even a gender. You will be able to take a pet-friend for a whole day or even just for an hour.
An availability to adopt an animal will be also included. So basically, people will have a chance to adopt a lonely animal if it belongs to an animal shelter. This app will be working as a collaboration of a pet-shop and an animal shelter. It will be location based app.
So all the pet shops will have an availability to rent their pets or to sale them. The animal centre will do the same things. To my opinion this kind of app will help to find families for a lot of lonely animals who where left in the past and also it will help to the customer to understand if they really want to buy/adopt a pet or not.